Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm new to Frugal Blogging

Hello world! I'm new to frugal blogging. I've always been a sucker for a good deal. I start buying Christmas presents in December for the next year, I always use coupons and I LOVE freebies. I usually get at least 10 samples a week in the mail! I have just recently found other frugal sites online after reading Freebie Fridays for many months. On those sites, I've learned how to use coupons and ECB from CVS to get great deals.
This week has been my first experience at getting deals at CVS (and even free stuff) just by using the right coupons and reading the weekly ads! I plan to keep up with what I've done at the stores on this blog. Thanks for reading!!
1 John 4:19 was the verse my husband and I used in our wedding. "We love because He first loved us."


Anonymous said...

Hi! I see you got the ECB and coupon thingy on the side. I just enter it myself. No special html's or anything.
Have a great week!

KLee said...

Two blogs!?! You are one crazy chica! I will have to look into some friends' blogs who are FRUGAL! Maybe you can get some more ideas!

Sandra said...

I'm going to get a new house plant since mine died after spending the our first night here in the car when it was 16 degrees! Thanks for the info!

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

Hey thanks for commenting on my blog too! I do know about CVS. It's tricky when you first get started, but once you get the hang of's no big deal. I've been told that there is no reason why you should ever pay much more than pennies for any toiletries and/or cleaning supplies if you do the rebates and ECB's at these drug stores and such. Walgreens rebates are awesome too! definitely check those out. Also, staples does rebates monthly (office supplies or things like post its and pens), and Ace Hardware does rebates (we use them for changing our own oil and also for cleaning supplies). When you buy these rebate products and use a coupon, sometimes it's like getting them to pay you to take home groceries. AND, check with your local stores cause ours double and triple no matter how many of the same product you choose as long as you have an equal number of coupons. Although, triple coupons usually have other catches cause the store itself is taking a bigger hit. Still with manufacturer coupons, they are still getting paid from the manufacturers the value of the coupon. I've gotten many things for free! Some I don't even need were donated (such as diabetes testing supplies).

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